5. Graphtik Changelog


See #1.

v4.0.1 (12 Dec 2019, @ankostis): bugfix

  • FIX(plan): plan.repr() was failing on empty plans.
  • fix(site): minor badge fix & landing diagram.

v4.0.0 (11 Dec 2019, @ankostis): NESTED merge, revert v3.x Unvarying, immutable OPs, “color” nodes

  • BREAK/ENH(NETOP): MERGE NESTED NetOps by collecting all their operations in a single Network; now children netops are not pruned in case some of their needs are unsatisfied.
    • feat(op): support multiple nesting under other netops.
  • BREAK(NETOP): REVERT Unvarying NetOps+base-plan, and narrow Networks instead; netops were too rigid, code was cumbersome, and could not really pinpoint the narrowed needs always correctly (e.g. when they were also provides).
    • A netop always narrows its net based on given inputs/outputs. This means that the net might be a subset of the one constructed out of the given operations. If you want all nodes, don’t specify needs/provides.
    • drop 3 ExecutionPlan attributes: plan, needs, plan
    • drop recompile flag in Network.compute().
    • feat(net): new method Network.narrowed() clones and narrows.
    • Network() cstor accepts a (cloned) graph to support narrowed() methods.
  • BREAK/REFACT(OP): simplify hierarchy, make Operation fully abstract, without name or requirements.
  • refact(net): consider as netop needs also intermediate data nodes.
  • FEAT(#1, net, netop): support prunning based on arbitrary operation attributes (e.g. assign “colors” to nodes and solve a subset each time).
  • enh(netop): repr() now counts number of contained operations.
  • refact(netop): rename netop.narrow() --> narrowed()
  • drop(netop): don’t topologically-sort sub-networks before merging them; might change some results, but gives controll back to the user to define nets.

v3.1.0 (6 Dec 2019, @ankostis): cooler prune()

  • break/refact(NET): scream on plan.execute() (not net.prune()) so as calmly solve needs vs provides, based on the given inputs/outputs.
  • FIX(ot): was failing when plotting graphs with ops without fn set.
  • enh(net): minor fixes on assertions.

v3.0.0 (2 Dec 2019, @ankostis): UNVARYING NetOperations, narrowed, API refact

  • NetworkOperations:

    • BREAK(NET): RAISE if the graph is UNSOLVABLE for the given needs & provides! (see “raises” list of compute()).

    • BREAK: NetworkOperation.__call__() accepts solution as keyword-args, to mimic API of Operation.__call__(). outputs keyword has been dropped.


      Use NetworkOperation.compute() when you ask different outputs, or set the recompile flag if just different inputs are given.

      Read the next change-items for the new behavior of the compute() method.

    • UNVARYING NetOperations:

      • BREAK: calling method NetworkOperation.compute() with a single argument is now UNVARYING, meaning that all needs are demaned, and hence, all provides are produced, unless the recompile flag is true or outputs asked.
      • BREAK: net-operations behave like regular operations when nested inside another netop, and always produce all their provides, or scream if less inputs than needs are given.
      • ENH: a newly created or cloned netop can be narrowed() to specific needs & provides, so as not needing to pass outputs on every call to compute().
      • feat: implemented based on the new “narrowed” NetworkOperation.plan attribute.
    • FIX: netop needs are not all optional by default; optionality applied only if all underlying operations have a certain need as optional.

    • FEAT: support function **args with 2 new modifiers vararg & varargs, acting like optional (but without feeding into underlying functions like keywords).

    • BREAK(yahoo#12): simplify compose API by turning it from class –> function; all args and operations are now given in a single compose() call.

    • REFACT(net, netop): make Network IMMUTABLE by appending all operations together, in NetworkOperation constructor.

    • ENH(net): public-size _prune_graph() –> Network.prune()`() which can be used to interogate needs & provides for a given graph. It accepts None inputs & outputs to auto-derrive them.

  • FIX(SITE): autodocs API chapter were not generated in at all, due to import errors, fixed by using autodoc_mock_imports on networkx, pydot & boltons libs.

  • enh(op): polite error-,msg when calling an operation with missing needs (instead of an abrupt KeyError).

  • FEAT(CI): test also on Python-3.8

v2.3.0 (24 Nov 2019, @ankostis): Zoomable SVGs & more op jobs

  • FEAT(plot): render Zoomable SVGs in jupyter(lab) notebooks.
  • break(netop): rename execution-method "sequential" --> None.
  • break(netop): move overwrites_collector & method args from netop.__call__() –> cstor
  • refact(netop): convert remaining **kwargs into named args, tighten up API.

v2.2.0 (20 Nov 2019, @ankostis): enhance OPERATIONS & restruct their modules

  • REFACT(src): split module nodes.py –> op.py + netop.py and move Operation from base.py –> op.py, in order to break cycle of base(op) <– net <– netop, and keep utils only in base.py.
  • ENH(op): allow Operations WITHOUT any NEEDS.
  • ENH(op): allow Operation FUNCTIONS to return directly Dictionaries.
  • ENH(op): validate function Results against operation provides; jetsam now includes results variables: results_fn & results_op.
  • BREAK(op): drop unused Operation._after_init() pickle-hook; use dill instead.
  • refact(op): convert Operation._validate() into a function, to be called by clients wishing to automate operation construction.
  • refact(op): replace **kwargs with named-args in class:FunctionalOperation, because it allowed too wide args, and offered no help to the user.
  • REFACT(configs): privatize network._execution_configs; expose more config-methods from base package.

v2.1.1 (12 Nov 2019, @ankostis): global configs

  • BREAK: drop Python-3.6 compatibility.
  • FEAT: Use (possibly multiple) global configurations for all networks, stored in a contextvars.ContextVar.
  • ENH/BREAK: Use a (possibly) single execution_pool in global-configs.
  • feat: add abort flag in global-configs.
  • feat: add skip_evictions flag in global-configs.

v2.1.0 (20 Oct 2019, @ankostis): DROP BW-compatible, Restruct modules/API, Plan perfect evictions

The first non pre-release for 2.x train.

  • BRAKE API: DROP Operation’s params - use funtools.partial() instead.
  • BRAKE API: DROP Backward-Compatible Data & Operation classes,
  • BRAKE: DROP Pickle workarounds - expected to use dill instead.
  • break(jetsam): drop “graphtik_` prefix from annotated attribute
  • ENH(op): now operation() supported the “builder pattern” with operation.withset().
  • REFACT: renamed internal package functional –> nodes and moved classes around, to break cycles easier, (base works as suppposed to), not to import early everything, but to fail plot early if pydot dependency missing.
  • REFACT: move PLAN and compute() up, from Network --> NetworkOperation.
  • ENH(NET): new PLAN BULDING algorithm produces PERFECT EVICTIONS, that is, it gradually eliminates from the solution all non-asked outputs.
    • enh: pruning now cleans isolated data.
    • enh: eviction-instructions are inserted due to two different conditions: once for unneeded data in the past, and another for unused produced data (those not belonging typo the pruned dag).
    • enh: discard immediately irrelevant inputs.
  • ENH(net): changed results, now unrelated inputs are not included in solution.
  • refact(sideffect): store them as node-attributes in DAG, fix their combination with pinning & eviction.
  • fix(parallel): eviction was not working due to a typo 65 commits back!

v2.0.0b1 (15 Oct 2019, @ankostis): Rebranded as Graphtik for Python 3.6+

Continuation of yahoo#30 as yahoo#31, containing review-fixes in huyng/graphkit#1.


  • FIX: multithreaded operations were failing due to shared ExecutionPlan.executed.
  • FIX: prunning sometimes were inserting plan string in DAG. (not _DataNode).
  • ENH: heavily reinforced exception annotations (“jetsam”):
    • FIX: (8f3ec3a) outer graphs/ops do not override the inner cause.
    • ENH: retrofitted exception-annotations as a single dictionary, to print it in one shot (8f3ec3a & 8d0de1f)
    • enh: more data in a dictionary
    • TCs: Add thorough TCs (8f3ec3a & b8063e5).
  • REFACT: rename Delete–>`Evict`, removed Placeholder from nadanodes, privatize node-classes.
  • ENH: collect “jetsam” on errors and annotate exceptions with them.
  • ENH(sideffects): make them always DIFFERENT from regular DATA, to allow to co-exist.
  • fix(sideffects): typo in add_op() were mixing needs/provides.
  • enh: accept a single string as outputs when running graphs.

Testing & other code:

  • TCs: pytest now checks sphinx-site builds without any warnings.
  • Established chores with build services:
    • Travis (and auto-deploy to PyPi),
    • codecov
    • ReadTheDocs

v1.3.0 (Oct 2019, @ankostis): NEVER RELEASED: new DAG solver, better plotting & “sideffect”

Kept external API (hopefully) the same, but revamped pruning algorithm and refactored network compute/compile structure, so results may change; significantly enhanced plotting. The only new feature actually is the sideffect` modifier.


  • FIX(yahoo#18, yahoo#26, yahoo#29, yahoo#17, yahoo#20): Revamped DAG SOLVER to fix bad pruning described in yahoo#24 & yahoo#25

    Pruning now works by breaking incoming provide-links to any given intermedediate inputs dropping operations with partial inputs or without outputs.

    The end result is that operations in the graph that do not have all inputs satisfied, they are skipped (in v1.2.4 they crashed).

    Also started annotating edges with optional/sideffects, to make proper use of the underlying networkx graph.

    graphtik-v1.3.0 flowchart

  • REFACT(yahoo#21, yahoo#29): Refactored Network and introduced ExecutionPlan to keep compilation results (the old steps list, plus input/output names).

    Moved also the check for when to evict a value, from running the execution-plan, to whenbuilding it; thus, execute methods don’t need outputs anymore.

  • ENH(yahoo#26): “Pin* input values that may be overriten by calculated ones.

    This required the introduction of the new _PinInstruction in the execution plan.

  • FIX(yahoo#23, yahoo#22-2.4.3): Keep consistent order of networkx.DiGraph and sets, to generate deterministic solutions.

    Unfortunately, it non-determinism has not been fixed in < PY3.5, just reduced the frequency of spurious failures, caused by unstable dicts, and the use of subgraphs.

  • enh: Mark outputs produced by NetworkOperation’s needs as optional. TODO: subgraph network-operations would not be fully functional until “optional outpus” are dealt with (see yahoo#22-2.5).

  • enh: Annotate operation exceptions with ExecutionPlan to aid debug sessions,

  • drop: methods list_layers()/show layers() not needed, repr() is a better replacement.


  • ENH(yahoo#13, yahoo#26, yahoo#29): Now network remembers last plan and uses that to overlay graphs with the internals of the planing and execution:

    sample graphtik plot

    • execution-steps & order
    • evict & pin instructions
    • given inputs & asked outputs
    • solution values (just if they are present)
    • “optional” needs & broken links during pruning
  • REFACT: Move all API doc on plotting in a single module, splitted in 2 phases, build DOT & render DOT

  • FIX(yahoo#13): bring plot writing into files up-to-date from PY2; do not create plot-file if given file-extension is not supported.

  • FEAT: path pydot library to support rendering in Jupyter notebooks.

Testing & other code:

  • Increased coverage from 77% –> 90%.
  • ENH(yahoo#28): use pytest, to facilitate TCs parametrization.

  • ENH(yahoo#30): Doctest all code; enabled many assertions that were just print-outs in v1.2.4.

  • FIX: operation.__repr__() was crashing when not all arguments had been set - a condition frequtnly met during debugging session or failed TCs (inspired by @syamajala’s 309338340).

  • enh: Sped up parallel/multihtread TCs by reducing delays & repetitions.


    You need pytest -m slow to run those slow tests.

Chore & Docs:

v1.2.4 (Mar 7, 2018)

  • Issues in pruning algorithm: yahoo#24, yahoo#25
  • Blocking bug in plotting code for Python-3.x.
  • Test-cases without assertions (just prints).

graphtik-v1.2.4 flowchart

1.2.2 (Mar 7, 2018, @huyng): Fixed versioning

Versioning now is manually specified to avoid bug where the version was not being correctly reflected on pip install deployments

1.2.1 (Feb 23, 2018, @huyng): Fixed multi-threading bug and faster compute through caching of find_necessary_steps

We’ve introduced a cache to avoid computing find_necessary_steps multiple times during each inference call.

This has 2 benefits:

  • It reduces computation time of the compute call
  • It avoids a subtle multi-threading bug in networkx when accessing the graph from a high number of threads.

1.2.0 (Feb 13, 2018, @huyng)

Added set_execution_method(‘parallel’) for execution of graphs in parallel.

1.1.0 (Nov 9, 2017, @huyng)

Update setup.py

1.0.4 (Nov 3, 2017, @huyng): Networkx 2.0 compatibility

Minor Bug Fixes:

  • Compatibility fix for networkx 2.0
  • net.times now only stores timing info from the most recent run

1.0.3 (Jan 31, 2017, @huyng): Make plotting dependencies optional

  • Merge pull request yahoo#6 from yahoo/plot-optional
  • make plotting dependencies optional

1.0.2 (Sep 29, 2016, @pumpikano): Merge pull request yahoo#5 from yahoo/remove-packaging-dep

  • Remove ‘packaging’ as dependency

1.0.1 (Aug 24, 2016)

1.0 (Aug 2, 2016, @robwhess)

First public release in PyPi & GitHub.

  • Merge pull request yahoo#3 from robwhess/travis-build
  • Travis build