2. Graph Composition

Graphtik’s operation.compose() factory handles the work of tying together operation instances into a runnable computation graph.

The simplest use case is to assemble a collection of individual operations into a runnable computation graph. The example script from Quick start illustrates this well:

>>> from operator import mul, sub
>>> from functools import partial
>>> from graphtik import compose, operation
>>> def abspow(a, p):
...    """Computes |a|^p. """
...    c = abs(a) ** p
...    return c

The call here to compose() yields a runnable computation graph that looks like this (where the circles are operations, squares are data, and octagons are parameters):

>>> # Compose the mul, sub, and abspow operations into a computation graph.
>>> graphop = compose("graphop",
...    operation(name="mul1", needs=["a", "b"], provides=["ab"])(mul),
...    operation(name="sub1", needs=["a", "ab"], provides=["a_minus_ab"])(sub),
...    operation(name="abspow1", needs=["a_minus_ab"], provides=["abs_a_minus_ab_cubed"])
...    (partial(abspow, p=3))
... )

This yields a graph which looks like this (see Plotting):

>>> graphop.plot('calc_power.svg')  

plottable: graphop

Running a computation graph

The graph composed above can be run by simply calling it with a dictionary of values with keys corresponding to the named dependencies (needs & provides):

>>> # Run the graph and request all of the outputs.
>>> out = graphop(a=2, b=5)
>>> out
{'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'ab': 10, 'a_minus_ab': -8, 'abs_a_minus_ab_cubed': 512}

You may plot the solution:

>>> out.plot('a_solution.svg')  

the solution of the graph

Producing a subset of outputs

By default, calling a graph-operation on a set of inputs will yield all of that graph’s outputs. You can use the outputs parameter to request only a subset. For example, if graphop is as above:

>>> # Run the graph-operation and request a subset of the outputs.
>>> out = graphop.compute({'a': 2, 'b': 5}, outputs="a_minus_ab")
>>> out
{'a_minus_ab': -8}

When asking a subset of the graph’s outputs, Graphtik does 2 things:

  • it prunes any operations that are not on the path from given inputs to the requested outputs (e.g. the abspow1 operation, above, is not executed);

  • it evicts any intermediate data from solution as soon as they are not needed.

You may see (2) in action by including the sequence of execution steps into the plot:

>>> from graphtik.plot import Plotter

>>> dot = out.plot(plotter=Plotter(include_steps=True))

Short-circuiting a graph computation

You can short-circuit a graph computation, making certain inputs unnecessary, by providing a value in the graph that is further downstream in the graph than those inputs. For example, in the graph-operation we’ve been working with, you could provide the value of a_minus_ab to make the inputs a and b unnecessary:

>>> # Run the graph-operation and request a subset of the outputs.
>>> out = graphop(a_minus_ab=-8)
>>> out
{'a_minus_ab': -8, 'abs_a_minus_ab_cubed': 512}

When you do this, any operation nodes that are not on a path from the downstream input to the requested outputs (i.e. predecessors of the downstream input) are not computed. For example, the mul1 and sub1 operations are not executed here.

This can be useful if you have a graph-operation that accepts alternative forms of the same input. For example, if your graph-operation requires a PIL.Image as input, you could allow your graph to be run in an API server by adding an earlier operation that accepts as input a string of raw image data and converts that data into the needed PIL.Image. Then, you can either provide the raw image data string as input, or you can provide the PIL.Image if you have it and skip providing the image data string.

Extending existing computation graphs

Sometimes you will have an existing computation graph to which you want to add operations. This is simple, since compose can compose whole graphs along with individual operation instances. For example, if we have graph as above, we can add another operation to it to create a new graph:

>>> # Add another subtraction operation to the graph.
>>> bigger_graph = compose("bigger_graph",
...    graphop,
...    operation(name="sub2", needs=["a_minus_ab", "c"], provides="a_minus_ab_minus_c")(sub)
... )

Run the graph and print the output:

>>> sol = bigger_graph.compute({'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'c': 5}, outputs=["a_minus_ab_minus_c"])
>>> sol
{'a_minus_ab_minus_c': -13}

Merging computation graphs

Sometimes you will have two computation graphs—perhaps ones that share operations—you want to combine into one. In the simple case, where the graphs don’t share operations or where you don’t care whether a duplicated operation is run multiple (redundant) times, you can just do something like this:

combined_graph = compose("combined_graph", graph1, graph2)

However, if you want to combine graphs that share operations and don’t want to pay the price of running redundant computations, you can set the merge parameter of compose() to True. This will consolidate redundant operation nodes (based on name) into a single node. For example, let’s say we have graphop, as in the examples above, along with this graph:

>>> another_graph = compose("another_graph",
...    operation(name="mul1", needs=["a", "b"], provides=["ab"])(mul),
...    operation(name="mul2", needs=["c", "ab"], provides=["cab"])(mul)
... )
>>> another_graph
NetworkOperation('another_graph', needs=['a', 'b', 'c', 'ab'], provides=['ab', 'cab'], x2 ops: mul1, mul2)

plottable: another_graph

We can merge graphop and another_graph like so, avoiding a redundant mul1 operation:


The names of the graphs must differ.

>>> merged_graph = compose("merged_graph", graphop, another_graph, merge=True)
>>> print(merged_graph)
                  needs=['a', 'b', 'ab', 'a_minus_ab', 'c'],
                  provides=['ab', 'a_minus_ab', 'abs_a_minus_ab_cubed', 'cab'],
                  x4 ops:  mul1, sub1, abspow1, mul2)

As always, we can run computations with this graph by simply calling it:

>>> sol = merged_graph.compute({'a': 2, 'b': 5, 'c': 5}, outputs=["cab"])
>>> sol
{'cab': 50}

Advanced pipelines

Resilience on errors (endured)

It is possible for pipeline persist executing operations, even if some of them are raising errors:

>>> @operation(endured=1, provides=["space", "time"])
... def get_out():
...     raise ValueError("Quarantined!")
>>> get_out
FunctionalOperation!(name='get_out', needs=[], provides=['space', 'time'], fn='get_out')
>>> @operation(needs="space", provides="fun")
... def exercise(where):
...     return "refreshed"
>>> @operation(endured=1, provides="time")
... def stay_home():
...     return "1h"
>>> @operation(needs="time", provides="fun")
... def read_book(for_how_long):
...     return "relaxed"
>>> netop = compose("covid19", get_out, stay_home, exercise, read_book)
>>> netop
                 needs=['space', 'time'],
                 provides=['space', 'time', 'fun'],
                 x4 ops: get_out, stay_home, exercise, read_book)


Notice the exclamation(!) before the parenthesis in the string representation & tooltip of the operations, or its thick outlines, both signifying endured or rescheduled (see below) operations.

When executed, the pipeline does not completely fail:

>>> sol = netop()
>>> sol
{'time': '1h', 'fun': 'relaxed'}

You may then optionally abort on failures, by raising an appropriate exception:

>>> sol.scream_if_incomplete()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Not completed x2 operations ['exercise', 'get_out'] due to x1 failures and x0 partial-ops:
  +--get_out: ValueError('Quarantined!')

Operations with partial outputs (rescheduled)

In case the actually produce outputs depend on some condition in the inputs, the solution has to reschedule the plan amidst execution, and consider the actual provides delivered:

>>> @operation(rescheduled=1,
...            needs="quarantine",
...            provides=["space", "time"],
...            returns_dict=True)
... def get_out_or_stay_home(quarantine):
...     if quarantine:
...          return {"time": "1h"}
...     else:
...          return {"space": "around the block"}
>>> get_out_or_stay_home
                     provides=['space', 'time'],
>>> @operation(needs="space", provides="fun")
... def exercise(where):
...     return "refreshed"
>>> @operation(needs="time", provides="fun")
... def read_book(for_how_long):
...     return "relaxed"
>>> netop = compose("covid19", get_out_or_stay_home, exercise, read_book)

Depending on “quarantine’ state we get to execute different part of the pipeline:

>>> sol = netop(quarantine=True)
>>> sol = netop(quarantine=False)

In both case, a warning gets raised about the missing outputs, but the execution proceeds regularly to what is possible to evaluate. You may collect a report of what has been canceled using this:

>>> print(sol.check_if_incomplete())
Not completed x1 operations ['read_book'] due to x0 failures and x1 partial-ops:
  +--get_out_or_stay_home: ['time']